The National Grocers Association (NGA) today released the following statement in response to press reports that House Republican leaders will remove language from the Financial CHOICE Act (H.R. 10) that would have repealed debit swipe fee reforms.
“The battle to preserve debit swipe fee reforms is an important victory for the independent supermarket industry and was won because of the grassroots efforts by many of NGA members from across the country. In meetings in Washington, DC and back in their home states, independent supermarket owners have personalized the impact that repeal of these pro-competitive reforms would have on their business. We are very pleased to say that independent grocers’ elected officials have listened and responded to their concerns. This is truly a victory for Main Street merchants over Wall Street banks and should send a strong message that debit reforms are here to stay.
We also commend House Leadership for listening to their Members by committing to remove this harmful language from the Financial CHOICE Act, and appreciate Chairman Hensarling for working with his members to find a common ground solution. NGA thanks those Members of Congress who stood with their local merchants in support of preserving competition and commonsense reforms. NGA will remain vigilant through the rest of the legislative process to ensure language to repeal debit reforms is removed from the bill.”
- NGA Key Vote Letter to House Financial Services Committee in Opposition to H.R. 10
- Independent Supermarket Industry letter opposing the Financial CHOICE Act
- Durbin Amendment Fact Sheet