The National Grocers Association Foundation Technical Assistance Center (NGAF TA Center) addresses the technical and program operational challenges grocers face in establishing SNAP incentive (SI) and produce prescription (PPR) nutrition incentive programs.
The NGAF TA Center is a proud partner of the Nutrition Incentive Hub* and dedicated to fostering a collaborative environment whereby retailers and non-profit or government agencies who receive USDA grant funds for nutrition incentive projects (referred to as grantees) are enabled to establish successful nutrition incentives programs benefitting the communities they serve. NGAF TA Center services are offered at no cost and membership in the National Grocers Association is not required. Use the Get In Touch page or send an email to and we will reach out to help you with your questions. Graphic below may be downloaded here.
*The Nutrition Incentive Hub is a coalition of partners, created by the Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program National Training, Technical Assistance, Evaluation, and Information Center (GusNIP NTAE Center), that supports nutrition incentive projects, including SNAP incentives, and produce prescription projects. The GusNIP NTAE Center is led by Gretchen Swanson Center for Nutrition. In partnership with Fair Food Network, they assembled the Nutrition Incentive Hub, a coalition of evaluators, researchers, practitioners, and grocery and farmers market experts from across the country dedicated to strengthening and uniting the best thinking in the field to increase access to affordable, healthy food to those who need it most. The GusNIP NTAE Center is funded through a cooperative agreement and is supported by Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program grant no. 2019-70030-30415/project accession no. 1020863 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture.