eCommerce Providers

What is an eCommerce provider?

An eCommerce provider is a company that offers a software application that enables online commerce for merchants and customers, allowing them to do business over the internet. eCommerce providers can manage web hosting, inventory management, payment processing, marketing, and fulfillment. Many providers offer space for customer reviews and support as well as other services.

Do I need an eCommerce provider? 

If a retailer wants to sell its products online, there are some advantages to doing so with an eCommerce provider.  One of the biggest advantages of using an established eCommerce provider is they are easy to use for both the retailer and consumer. Another advantage is technical support in the event of unexpected issues or problems that could arise in the shopping experience for either the consumer or retailer.

Can I move forward with my own website?

A retailer can develop its own website but it must meet all the requirements for the SNAP Online program.  Retailers should be confident they have the knowledge and staff expertise to develop and maintain their own website. A retailer should consider the cost of building a website from scratch compared to the affordability of the many programs that have already been developed for the retail food industry and proven in the marketplace.

Are there approved eCommerce providers for SNAP Online? 

Please visit the USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) website, here, to find a list of companies who have met the testing requirements of the SNAP Online program. USDA FNS, NGA, and SEMTAC do not endorse any one provider over the other – as such, retailers are free to partner with one or more companies of their choice. If so, it is advised that retailers reach out to these providers right away to ensure smooth participation in SNAP Online Purchasing. It is important to keep the security of your business information in mind as you explore these relationships. Please review this document for more about SNAP Online information security.

Can I use more than one eCommerce platform for SNAP Online sales? 

Retailers who have a live SNAP Online operation may want to expand their service by adding additional eCommerce platforms. To start this process, the Retailer should contact the FNS SNAP Online team at, indicating their intent to expand to a new/additional eCommerce platform. More information about the expansion process can be found here.