
Bringing Nutrition Incentives to Life

In order to make nutrition incentives a reality, there are many moving parts that must come together and function effectively and efficiently. There are three partners that must communicate and collaborate together to implement a program.


Retailers must collaborate and design a program that not only works within their store at the ground level but fulfills all of the requirements that their non-profit or government agency partner must meet as a grant recipient.

Solutions & Methodologies

Bringing nutrition incentives to your store can seem challenging. Some POS systems have built-in capabilities that make offering incentives a relatively simple function, but for some this may be more of a challenge.

Luckily many different POS companies, technology providers and developers are working on ways to allow your store to quickly and efficiently handle these transactions.

Learn more about the solutions available and methodologies for carrying out incentive programs.


The non-profit and grocer worlds are very different, so a basic mutual understanding is essential for a successful incentive program partnership. The NGAF TA Center speaks the grocer language and can help grantees navigate these relationships.

Learn more about speaking the grocer language and/or finding grocery partnerships.

General Info & Background
FAQ Frequently asked questions by grocers on nutrition incentives.
Nutrition Incentives Acronyms & Glossary Defines acronyms, terms and key players in Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive programs.
Nutrition Incentives 101 Provides an overview of nutrition incentives including their historical roots and where they are headed in the future.
Nutrition Incentives vs Produce Prescriptions Provides an overview of key differences and similarities between nutrition incentive and produce prescription projects.
Working with Grantees Provides an overview of the working relationship between grantees and grocery retailers.
Is Your Store Incentive Ready Provides guidance on ways you can prepare your store for a nutrition incentive program.
Guide to Eligible Fruits and Vegetables Catalogs fruits and vegetables that are eligible under nutrition incentive and produce prescription projects.